Comparison of livik with other maps

Written by ~ miss Bellatrix

The map LIVIK is a combination of all maps available in pubg mobile. This map contains parts  of ERANGLE, VIKENDI,SANHOK MIRAMAR. 


Let's compare the map with others:
1. Midstein :  probably this place is related to the pochinki of ERANGLE. This place contains huge amount of loots, which help players to collect them and get highest kills. Almost every type of gun can be found here. 
2. Holdhus :  This place can be compared with Milta Of ERANGLE. Enough loot is available here. One can easily get the gun of their choice. 
3. Power plant  this place can be compared with military base of ERANGLE map. A place with big buildings and a huge amount of loots.
4. East port :  this portion of the Livik Map can be compared with Zharki of ERANGLE, a place with amazing site scene and a good amount of loots.
5. Iceborg : This part of the map can be compared with any snowy part of Vikendi.
Contains a little bit good loot for players. 

6. Shipyard : One can easily compare this part of the map with Novorepnoye of ERANGLE. This place has rich loot which will attract every pubg player to visit atleast once.
7. Fishkerhus : This place is similar to the Lakawi of Sanhok. This place is for those who plays solo for rank push. No one will come here. So you can loot and spend time here.

8. Aqueduct : This place can be compared with Cave of Sanhok.  One can easily get enough loot for the match.
9. Gass : This small town can be compared with mini Rozhok of ERANGLE. Situated at the north side of the LIVIK map. Maximum of the players like to be in the centre of the map. If you are playing for rank push, you should go to Gass. 
10. Helle : This part of LIVIK can easily be compared with any small town of Miramar. 
Break the bound and play LIVIK as much as you can! Keep gaming!

                                            ~miss Bellatrix


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